Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let's Play Catch-Up!

Oh, there you are!

Yeah, I know it's been awhile.  Don't blame me, I can't type.  But, Instead of pointing fingers (you know who you are), let's get on with it, shall we.
A Great visit with Great Grandma Morgan

Quick catch up!

I am currently 9 months old, got my first two teeth at 8 months, started crawling forward at 8.5 months (and haven't stopped moving). I say dadada, kitty, keys, but refuse to say mama unless I am really upset.  Last Thursday, after going to school for the first time, I taught a bunch of Daddy's friends in a bar how to clap and say "Yay".  Let's just say we were all very entertaining.  Oh, and today(drum roll please), I ate my first pancake!!!

Okay.  Pretty good.  I guess we are all caught up...oh,  and I also met Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but I can't say I completely trust them... yet.

Here are some pictures I'd like to share.  Hope everyone has a Happy Easter...I really don't know what that is, but my mom said I should add that in.

NeeNee and Me at the Zoo.  She got us a Membership.
If you ask me, this seems kind of strange.
Good morning with Grandma
Playing dress-up

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jack,

    I'm so happy to hear all about your new adventures and skills. You are one talented boy! Did your dad make you cactus pancakes? When you were still in your Mom's tummy, your dad was madly practicing making cactus pancakes for this very time in your life! Whichever type of pancakes it was, I'm sure it was delicious. I miss you! Kiss kiss, hug hug (do you hug yet?)
